Safeguarding Training

Providing you the skills & knowledge to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from significant harm

Safeguarding Training Courses

Get the Skills You Need

Every year millions of children, young people & vulnerable adults are exposed to the of significant harm through various forms of abuse, across a variety of settings including care homes, hospitals, or even in their own homes. All people have a basic right to live fulfilling lives, free from exposure to abuse that may limit their development and enjoyment of life and therefore it is important that those with caring responsibilities have a good understanding of how to support the individuals they look after, and how to properly report any concerns they may have.

Our Level 1 and Level 3 Safeguarding courses are developed by Nuco Training, regulated by First Aid Awards & Ofqual, and sit on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), so you can be assured that these meet the highest levels of industry standards.

By choosing ADC Training Limited, you are gaining the expertise of a highly qualified instructor & consultant with broad experience across the adult and higher education sectors, holding Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, and a tremendous passion for learning & teaching. This ensures that your training course will not only impart the necessary knowledge & skills to your staff but will be delivered in an engaging & enjoyable way.